That pic with Blessed Sac, the lad facing the camera looks like Ken Rogers, he was my Best Man.
That was after I moved South as Kenny was our goalie when I played for and against them.
Hi bob.b.I was in the same class with at least 4 of the lads in the Grammar School photo but Kenny Snellgrove was more well known as representing Lancashire in cricket for many years.I used to go cheer him on when I was home on leave as we used to live in the prefabs in the South Park just about opposite from Bootle Cricket Club.Last time I saw Dave Etherington was at Ash Street Youth Club just before I went to the Far East on HMS Cavendish but by the time I came back to Bootle/Ford (20 months) I had lost all contacts with nearly all my grammar school class mates.
Allthough I never played footy I really enjoy seeing what you are doing by keeping the Bootle teams remembered.Keep it up!!.
Big thank you Matt
I do enjoy posting the football teams and looking at the other members posting this could have all been lost but now history on this post
Thank you and say safe
y brother, Peter Gardler front row 1st on right.ff
Ronnie whitticar David Cottier next to Peter, Kenny Davidson holding ball. Robbie Dixon second left back row. I do know other faces but can't think of their names.