Been looking at the 1881 Bootle Docks post on June 22 2014 from Tommy Howard (Lancs 20) .
I've enlarged, lightened and coloured them to identify the detail.
Seaforth Sands to lock gate of the Canada Dock, covering the Alexandra, Langton, Brocklebank (in front of Carrier North and Carrier) and part of the Canada.
The land behind the dock covers Seaforth, Crosby, Thornton, Litherland, Netherton, Orrell, Aintree and the heart of Bootle.
The later, detailed, photos pick out some of the major landmarks in the painting.
View of a little further south centred on the Brocklebank and Carrier Docks with central Bootle more visible.
The three long rectangular sheds just beyond the docks are the railway goods terminals that backed onto Church Street, adjacent to St Mary's Church.
Visible in the upper mid section are the Linacre gasometers, and to their right the hook in the canal as it leaves Bootle and heads to Litherland.
Just before the hook is where the Strand/Stanley Road Bridge stands today.
The dockside land shown approximately covers what would become Knowsley Road to Miller's Bridge/Balliol Road
Detail from the second photo showing Linacre Gas Works and the canal.
Detail showing Coffee House Bridge, above running from upper right to mid left is the Liverpool - Southport rail line.
I'll post a bit more later.